Deck rebuild from storm damage

Rebuilding a storm damaged deck

Eagle Bay

This Winter saw some wild storms in the South West, which led to many people receiving damage to their homes a result.

During this time, were asked to undertake the rebuilding of a deck in Eagle Bay as part of an Insurance claim that was damaged in one of these storms by a large tree that had fallen on it.


After the tree was removed, our Team set about removing the original raised deck and making the area safe before conducting a thorough inspection to assess whether the remaining supporting structure was compromised beyond use or could be re-used.

It was determined that while out of place, it could support the replacement raised section of decking and so was secured back into it's original position and work began on the rebuild.

Working around the rain, the new deck was eventually completed and stained before a power point and wiring balustrade were re-instated to match the original deck.

Before & after photos

Liam Alcock